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The Plant-derived Tick Repellent
Update: Enddate:2026-10-22 View: 5577 Secondary Invite: 0Secondary
Price:discuss personally
Industry:Modern Agriculture
Region:China  Beijing

Project Name: The Plant-derived Tick Repellent

Project Owner: Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SHVRI, CAAS)

Project Profile: The plant-derived tick repellent, which is developed by SHVRI, CAAS, is an eco-friendly tick repellent whose active ingredient is plant extract. This kind of tick repellent has strong effect on tick at all developmental stages by spraying. The repellent time could last more than 5 hours. This product can be used to protect against tick bites for touristsagricultural operators, and for animals such as cattle, sheep, and pet dogs.

Contact Person: Zhang Yuyan

Phone Number: 021-24197967

E-mail: zhangyy@sstec.org.cn

contacts:Xu Duohang
Contact phone:09518735160
contact via mail:casttc_admin@163.com
OnlineQQ:click here
Organization Address:宁夏银川市金凤区新昌西路紫荆花商务中心B座四楼 check the map
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