
China Arab States Technology Transfer Center



Type of Service:Technology transfer expert


Company可再生能源研究中心 Renewable Energy Development Center

Job:助理研究员 Associate Researcher


July 2020– Present: Research Team Head (Full-time), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, Algeria. The key elements of my position as a Research Team Manager of the Multi-Sources Systems research team (SMS) are as follows:

  • Contribute to the definition of the R&D projects in line with the Country's RE development program.
  • Define the research strategy and optimize the resources to be used, taking into account the time constraints.
  • Monitoring of the research project activities and progress.
  • Manage the project complexities by pursue and expand the pathways initiated; approach reorientation or abandon of the followed tracks.
  • Leading of the research team members by best managing of their skills and expertise.
  • Prioritization of the conducted research project subjects. 
  • Management of the team collaborations in both national and international sides.
  • Administrative duties.

May 2013– Present: Research Associate (Full-time), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, Algeria. The key elements of my position as an Associate Researcher within the Multi-Sources Systems research team (SMS) are as follows:

  • Design, sizing and optimization of Solar/Wind equipments for the production of heat and electricity.
  • On site implementation of the national research studies, technological processes development, manufacturing of the prototypes.
  • Real time testing of research studies using ECU's such as NI cRIO-9012 and dSPACE 1104, HMI-based Labview setup.

October 2018– Jul 2020: Lecturer (Part time), Institute of Sciences and Technology, Tipaza University, Algeria.
My teaching duties as part time Lecturer were as follows:

  • Teaching Modules (Semester I): Physics I, Computer I, offered to the first year Undergraduate Students (Technology).
  • Teaching Modules (Semester II): Numerical Analysis, offered to the second year Civil Engineering Students.

October 2019– Nov 2019: Guest Researcher, Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark.
During my one month (1st to 30th of November) apprenticeship experience with Wind Power Systems Research Group under the supervision of Pr. Zhe Chen, different research activities have been conducted such as:

  • Grid Code Requirements for Wind Power Integration including Frequency and Voltage operating ranges, Active and Reactive Powers Requirements.
  • Low Voltage Ride Through Capability of a Wind Turbine-based DFIG.
  • Real Time Simulation of a typical 2MW Wind Turbine-based DFIG using 2 Racks RTDS HIL Simulator.

February 2015– Nov 2015 : PHD Fellow, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, IUT de l'Aisne, France.
I spent 9 months as an awarded PhD scholar of the French-Algerian scholarship program PROFAS B+ within the LTI Lab (Laboratoire des Technologies Innovantes), PHD Fellow, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, IUT de l'Aisne, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France.
The Research has been conducted on the development of Robust Control Strategies of Wind Energy Conversion Systems based on both Double Fed Induction Machines and Permanent Magnets Synchronous Machines.

15 June 2014– 22 June 2014: Project Senior Member, Université de Poitiers, France.
I spent one week intensive internship as a Senior Member of the French-Algerian TASSILI Project, the internship was about the international project entitled “Control and Management of the Positive Energy Buildings” within the LIAS Lab, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France.
February 2012– Feb 2013: Electrical Engineer, Algerian Water Company (Algérienne des Eaux Public Company)-Biskra, Algeria.
My essential responsibilities and duties were as follows:

  • Monitoring and management of Pumping water systems.
  • Electrical motors Installation and Electrical equipment maintenance.

2011- 2012: Lecturer (Part time) within the Electrical Engineering Department Biskra University, Algeria.

My teaching duties as part time Lecturer were as follows:

  • Teaching: Control of Non-linear Systems module, for Masters Students (Control).

2010– 2011: Project Site Manager (Full-time), Oil&Gas Private Company, Ouargla, Algeria.

I used to be a Project Site Manager within the Sonatrach-ABB Project « Flares gas recovery & re-instrumentation of the production centers of Haoud Berkaoui/Ouargla, Algeria.
I have undertaken the following tasks:

  • Operating and electrical/mechanical maintenance of a digital-controlled concrete mixer machinery (Centrales à beton à commande numerique de 60m3/h).
  • PLC and HMI-based Software setup, AC/DC drives, air/oil compressors.
  • Logistics management of construction machinery (trucks, mobile concrete mixer trucks, mobile concrete pumps, mobile cranes).

2009– 2010: Lecturer (Part time), Human Sciences Department, Biskra University, Algeria.

My teaching duties as part time Lecturer were as follows:

  • Teaching: IT module for the first year Undergraduate Students (Communication).