
China Arab States Technology Transfer Center

Saudi Arabia Favors Chinese Smart Cons...



  On August 6, 2024, a company from Ningxia, China, in conjunction with a Saudi company and two provincial-level key laboratories of Ningxia University, held a signing ceremony for the agreement on the joint constructi...

The $1.264 billion agreement between N...

Supplier: Ningxia University

Demander:Qatar NAAAS Group

On the afternoon of August 10, 2020, representatives of Ningxia University, Qatar NAAAS Group and Huaxin Guolian (Beijing) Corporate Management Company held an online signing ceremony on the cooperation of the “Beautiful Doha&r...

China’s smart water-conserving techno...

Supplier:West China Electronic Business Company

Demander:Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Aswan University, Egypt

The recent seminar on the further joint building of the Belt and Road by China and Egypt was held in Cairo. It has been five years since the the Belt and Road initiative was put forward, and China-Egypt bilateral cooperation has seen...

Breakthroughs made in technology tran...

Supplier:Ningxia University

Demander:Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Recently, the contract funding of 110 million yuan for the “Cooperation Agreement for China-Arab States Water-conserving Apparatus Technology Transfer”, signed at the 2017 China-Arab States T...

IoT technology in agriculture exported...

Supplier:West China Electronic Business Co. of Ningxia

Demander:China-Arab States (Dubai) Technology Transfer Center

At the recent signing ceremony of the China-Arab States technology transfer project, the China-Arab States Technology Transfer Center (CASTTC), China-Arab States (Dubai) Technology Transfer Center, Ningxia China-Arab States...

The official implementation of the Chi...

Supplier:Ningxia University (Research and Development Center for the Application of New Technologies)

Demander:China-Arab States (Dubai) Technology Transfer Center

    On February 27, the Contract for the Procurement of Wind-solar Complementary Water-conserving Irrigation Apparatus between China and Arab states was officially signed on the occasion of the technology tra...

Scientific and technological cooperati...

Supplier:Palm Horticulture Company

Demander: China-Arab States (Dubai) Technology Transfer Center

On February 27, the China-Arab States Landscape Cooperation Agreement was signed by CASTTC, the China-Arab States (Dubai) Technology Transfer Center and Palm Horticulture Company in Yinchuan. Hence the scient...

Demonstration of the comprehensive pre...

Supplier:Coconut Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Hainan

Demander:Dubai Horticulture Department, UAE

In February 2015, the Coconut Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences in Hainan sent relevant researchers to Dubai, on a mission to carry out the demonstration of the comprehensive preve...
