
China Arab States Technology Transfer Center


Name:LAASRI Laila

Type of Service:Technology transfer expert


CompanyHassan II University of Casablanca



07/2013 – Current: Research Professor, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Faculty of Sciences Ben M’Sik, Casablanca, Morocco

  • Coordinator Courses: Energy efficiency, Valorization of wastes and agricultural biomass, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Safety and environmental management (ISO-14001 and ISO-50001), Internal and international environmental law and Chemistry of solutions.
  • Practical works: Thermal regulation of construction in Morocco “RTCM-2014”. Energy diagnosis of residential buildings, Environmental analysis of several industrial cases, Volumetric dosing techniques, Green chemistry (Eco-friendly organic synthesis), and Synthesis of organic molecules.

2011 – 2013: Administrator and Temporary professor, Hassan first University, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies | Settat, Morocco

  • Setting up and in charge of the University Center for students’ information, Guidance and Professional integration assistance.


2009 – 2011: Environmental Consultant, Freelancer

  • References: COLORADO, B.H.F/ATLAS, BIOEXPERT, ISEN-Fez and AIRTEK Environmental-New York.

2000 – 2009: Professor & Research and Development Director

  • Engineering School of Textile and Clothing Industries (ESITH) | Casablanca, Morocco
  • Master Program Coordinator "Hygiene Safety Environment" in partnership with LAVAL University of Canada.
  • Professor of applied chemistry and Environment.

1999 – 2000: Temporary Professor, Engineering School of Textile and Clothing Industries (ESITH) Casablanca, Morocco